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Player Code of Conduct
The FAI want football to be safe, it wants football to be fun and wants to ensure that no matter what level of the game young people are involved in, that it takes place in the spirit of ‘FAIR PLAY’. Fair play is the guiding principle of the Irish Sport’s Council’s Code of Ethics as well as the FAI’s Code of Ethics.
Children are encouraged to:
• Do their best – put in their best effort.
• Improve and develop their skills.
• Make friends.
• Play by the rules.
• Appreciate/accept everyone in the group, regardless of ability, race, religion, gender etc.
Children are entitled to:
• Be safe.
• Be treated with dignity, sensitivity and respect.
• Participate in football on an equal basis, appropriate to their ability and stage of development.
• Be happy, have fun and enjoy football.
• Make a complaint in an appropriate way and have it dealt with through a proper and effective complaints procedure.
• Be afforded appropriate confidentiality.
• Be listened to and to be believed.
• Have a voice in the running of the club.
Children should also be encouraged to:
• Treat other children, referees, fellow players, coaches and volunteers with the same degree of fairness and respect.
• Play fairly, do their best and have fun.
• Make high standards of Fair Play the standard others want to follow.
• Respect opponents, they are not the enemy, they are partners in a sporting event.
• Shake hands before and after the match, whoever wins.
• Give opponents a hand if they are injured, put the ball out of play so they can get attention.
• Accept apologies from opponents when they are offered.
• Respect fellow team members and support them both when they do well and when things go wrong.
• Treat players from minority groups with the same respect you show other people.
• Be modest in victory and be gracious in defeat “BE A SPORT”.
Children should not:
• Cheat.
• Use abusive language, or argue with, the referee, officials, team mates or opponents.
• Use violence, use physical contact only when it is allowed within the rules.
• Bully.*
• Tell lies about adults or other children.
• Spread rumours.
• Take banned substances to improve performance.
• Keep secrets about any person who may have caused them harm.
*Bullying can be defined as repeated aggression – whether it is verbal, psychological or physical – that is conducted by an individual or group against others. It is behaviour that is intentionally aggravating
and intimidating. It includes behaviours such as physical aggression, cyberbullying, damage to property, intimidation, isolation/exclusion, name calling, malicious gossip and extortion. Bullying can also take the form of abuse
based on gender identity, sexual preference, race, ethnicity and religious factors. With developments
in modern technology, Children can also be the victims of non-contact bullying, via mobile phones,
the internet and other personal devices.
• While bullying can happen to any Child, some may be more vulnerable. These include: Children with
disabilities or special educational needs; those from ethnic minority and migrant groups; from the
Traveller community; lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender (LGBT) Children and those perceived to be
LGBT; and Children of minority religious faiths.
• There can be an increased vulnerability to bullying among Children with special educational needs.
This is particularly so among those who do not understand social cues and/or have difficulty communicating. Some Children with complex needs may lack understanding of social situations and therefore
trust everyone implicitly. Such Children may be more vulnerable because they do not have the same
social skills or capacity as others to recognise and defend themselves against bullying behaviour
Any instances of bullying should be reported to the Child Protection Officer, or a member of the committee
All disclosures will be treated in the utmost confidence and will be treated seriously and investigated exhaustively
Parent Code of Conduct - FAI policy is available here
It is important that parents / guardians establish contact with the individual responsible for coaching their child.
Parents/Guardians should:
• Give the coach help when asked and show appreciation for a job well done.
• Support the coach’s and referee decisions. These individuals are only doing the best they can and they need support not anger.
• Refrain from contacting the coach unless it is necessary, respect they have a private life.
• Inform the coach about any illness, injury, holidays, etc.
• Make an effort to attend training and games.
• Communicate any concerns you may have to the coach.
• Make sure the child has appropriate equipment/clothing/refreshments.
• Encourage FAIR PLAY at home and do not instil a “win at all costs” attitude in children.
• Be positive or be quiet, negative comments are counter productive.
• Conduct themselves in such a way which promotes the definition of FAIR PLAY.
• Be prepared to be asked to leave by officials or club personnel if behaviour is contrary to the definition of FAIR PLAY.
Parents/Guardians should never:
• Insult players or club personnel.
• Argue with, or shout abuse at officials and they should actively discourage children or young players from doing likewise.
• Suggest or encourage cheating, aggressive or “dirty” play.
• Placing undue or inappropriate criticism on a player, causing the player unnecessary or unhealthy levels of stress.
• Behave with physical or verbal aggression towards another person (actually use force or threaten the use of force).
• Engage in any “harassment” type of behaviour.
Everyone involved in the organisation of football should:
• Encourage participation and fun.
• Promote the development of skills as opposed to winning at all costs.
• Emphasise and praise effort.
• Act as a good role model.
• Insist on Fair Play.
• Be realistic with expectations.
• Be aware of children’s feelings.
• Teach players to respect different cultures.
Coaches Code of Conduct - FAI policy is available here
Coaches should:
• Encourage participation and fun.
• Promote the development of skills as opposed to winning at all costs.
• Emphasise and praise effort.
• Act as a good role model.
• Insist on Fair Play.
• Be realistic with expectations.
• Be aware of children’s feelings.
• Teach players to respect different cultures.
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